A.K.A. Experts teaching you how to get rich from the ground on which you walk

The land investment market is vastly unexploited and unsaturated, and this is for a number of reasons. Many people do not think that they will make much profit from vacant land, and other people view land investing as too much of a hassle if there is not already a building on the land. However, raw land is a fortune waiting to be discovered. The demand is constantly rising with population growth, and as a result, the supply is constantly diminishing. That should be music to your ears. Take advantage of the sorely neglected land investing market and make millions.

At this point, you are probably asking, “How?” Well, luckily for you, land investment experts have outlined the process for you:

  1. The Land Flipper: Turning Dirt into Dollars by E. B. Farmer

    People talk about flipping houses, antiques, and cars—but nobody talks about land flipping. Equipped with thirty years of experience, Farmer explains in layman’s terms how to build your fortune from flipping land. As you flip (pun intended) through the chapters, you will see step-by-step instructions on the entire process, from how to purchase land with very little capital, to improving the property, all the way to selling it—and everything in between. If you are thinking about jumping headfirst into the land market, bring this book with you.

  2. How I Turned $50 into $5 Million in Country Property – Part Time by B. K. Haynes         In How I Turned $50 into $5 Million in Country Property – Part Time, accredited land broker B. K. Haynes outlines his life story in an effort to teach readers how to profit off of rural land. He walks you through how he transformed from being poor in Washington, D.C. into the multi-millionaire he is today, and you can do the very same. Not only does he tell you how to do it, but his story and his words are so powerful and inspirational that you will be jumping at the chance to invest in country property.
  3. Finding & Buying Your Place in the Country by Les Scher and Carol Scher

    Dubbed “the bible of buying rural property” by the Backwoods Home magazine, Finding & Buying Your Place in the Country provides no-nonsense instructions on how to purchase rural land. Les and Carol Scher made sure to cover all their bases: the search, the evaluation, the sale, and every significant detail pertaining to each step. On top of that, they cover important property laws, financing options, and how to avoid mistakes that could cost you—and if there is something they don’t mention, they even provide a list of helpful resources for regional and local info!

  4. Dirt Rich by Mark Podolsky

    It is common knowledge that you can reach financial security or even make millions from real estate investment. However, what if we told you that you could do that without having to deal with any renters or renovations? In Dirt Rich, Mark Podolsky breaks down his technique so that you, too, can become rich from raw land investment. Furthermore, it is not just about making the money—it is about doing so on your terms, with the freedom to do what you want. If you want to work smarter instead of harder and still make millions from land investing, then Dirt Rich is the book for you.

If you are interested in real estate and don’t know where to start, land investing might be the way to go; you do not have to deal with tenants or renovations or any of the other stressful components. And if you are a real estate investor already, what are you waiting for? Start making your money!